The literary works
Abai 30.05 Mb
Abai Kunanbayev(1845-1904) 1.76 Mb // Abai Kunanbayev. Selected poems. - M.:Progress publishers, 1970. - P.7-21
Mukhtar Auezov discusses his novels “’Abai” and “Abai’s Path” 161.34 Kb // Soviet literature. - M., 1952. - №12. -P.148-149.
Notes on the novel 349.23 Kb// Soviet literature. - M., 1951. - №1. - P.164-170.
Soviet epic singers 766.13 Kb // June Atlantic. -1960. - Volume 205. - Number 6.
Tradition and innovation 544.21 Kb // Soviet literature. - M., 1964.- №11. - P.10-13.