Main page
Film and video archives
Photo gallery
Audio gallery
The life and creative activity
The well-known figures of culture about Auezov
The pages of the biography
The general materials about the life and creative activity
The documents, letters, recollections about Mukhtar Auezov
M.Auezov and his contemporaries
The world outlook of M.Auezov, his scientific legacy, publicistics, public activity
Prosaic creative activity
Dramaturgy, translations
The images, themes of the Auezov creative activity
The language, style, artistic peculiarities
The works of Mukhtar Auezov
The literary works
The scientific researches, publicistics
Auezov in the world and Kazakhstani culture and literature
The image of Auezov in literary fiction
Auezov and art. The image of Mukhtar Auezov in imitative art, cinema and photographic art
Auezov and music
Auezov and theatre
Auezov and the modern times
The Auezov places and museums. The relations and ancestors of Auezov
The role of Auezov for posterity
The Auezov studies. The studying and popularization of the creative activity of Auezov
The history of publication of the works by Auezov
The translations and publications of the works of Auezov in the languages of the world
The bibliographical materials
The world about Mukhtar Auezov
The streets
The schools
The activities
The scientific researches, publicistics
Reports and speeches
Librettoes and cinema scripts
Librettoes and cinema scripts