In the 2-nd number, 2016 of “Dastur” magazine there was published the article of doctor of science (philology) G.Pirali “Mukhtar Auezovtyn uly Muratka zhazgan koltanbalary”.

   In the 2-nd number, 2016 of “Dastur” magazine there was published the article of doctor of science (philology) G.Pirali “Mukhtar Auezovtyn uly Muratka zhazgan koltanbalary”. The author discloses the theme of the autography of the great Kazakh writer Mukhtar Auezov, there are presented copies of the writer’s inscriptions in his own hand dedicated to his son Murat.

   Пірәлі Г. Мұхтар Әуезовтың ұлы Мұратқа жазған қолтаңбалары // Дәстүр.- 2016.- № 2 (45).- С. 26-29.

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