On January 7, 2016 there in the newspaper “Ontustik Kazakstan” was published the essay of the journalist Serik Zhanabil baned “Mukhtar Auezov zhane Kyzylkopir”.

   On January 7, 2016 there in the newspaper “Ontustik Kazakstan” was published the essay of the journalist Serik Zhanabil baned “Mukhtar Auezov zhane Kyzylkopir”. The essay of S.Zhanabil became the beginning of the new rubric “Zhaksylardan iz kalgan”. In the given rubric the readers will become acquainted with the previously not known facts from the life of the Kazakh writers, poets, figures of culture and art, the thinkers and humanists.
Жанәбіл С. Мұхтар Әуезов және Қызылкөпір // Оңтүстік Қазақстан.- 2016.- 7 қаңтар.- 4 б.


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